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19/07/2020 – Covid 19 update

Latest Covid 19 Update:

The FA released the latest guidance to grassroots football clubs on the 17th July and we are really pleased that further restrictions have been lifted. The following now applies.

Football Training can commence from today within teams at no more than 30 persons in a session including the coaching staff. Marked up Water bottles and hand sanitiser bottles still apply and parents must adhere to social distancing with a maximum of 6 persons from different households being together.

From the 1st August Competitive matches can commence, their will be an additional form for parents to sign which covers our risk assessment for matches.

Their will be additional hand sanitiser stations at the home ground and match days a full register of attendees will be required for track and trace purposes and held under GDPR for 21 days.

Please bare with us whilst we get everything put into place to make the return to grassroots football for every child/parent to be as safe as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation.
